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What are the reasons for a flat tire?

Every year, there are many traffic accidents caused by a flat tire, which not only cause significant property damage, but also threaten the safety of drivers and passengers.So, what are the reasons for a flat tire? How should we avoid these issues in daily operations and maintenance, and reduce the risk of tire blowout to a very low level?

Reason 1: Excessive tire wear or foreign objects

In daily operations, the load on different axles is different, and the friction force with the ground is also different. Therefore, the wear of different tires is also different. If combined with incorrect operations during driving, such as pressing the brake sharply, it can cause excessive tire wear. Over time, the tire tread will become thinner, which is prone to tire blowout.
In addition, during driving, there are often foreign objects such as crushed stones and nails in the tread pattern of the tires, or foreign objects mixed between two tires on one side of the same axis. During bumpy driving, the tires can also be worn out, and if not removed in a timely manner, it will increase the risk of a tire blowout. Once there is a bulge in the tire, the probability of a tire blowout is very high! Be sure to replace the tires in a timely manner.
Solution: Regularly check the wear and tear of the tires, timely replace the tire positions based on the different wear and tear of the front, rear, left, and right tires, regularly perform four-wheel alignment, avoid installing different models or tires with significant differences between old and new on the same axle, and try to maintain the same level of wear and tear as much as possible; Replace tires that exceed their service life or are severely worn in a timely manner.
Before every trip, especially on the highway, the tire pressure should be checked, foreign objects should be cleaned from the tire seams, and the tread should be observed for cracks, excessive wear, and other conditions, in order to promptly eliminate hidden dangers; Learn to drive with foresight, maintain good driving habits, and minimize sudden braking and turning.

Reason 2: Frequent braking and sudden use of water spray, cold and hot

Some vehicles that frequently run on mountain roads have a higher risk of tire explosion, mainly because the brakes are used for a long time on downhill roads, causing high temperatures in the brakes. The temperature is also transmitted to the tires, causing the tire temperature to rise and the internal air pressure to be relatively high, making it easy for a tire explosion to occur.
In addition, in order to cool down, many people choose to use a water dispenser or directly pour water on the tires and brake parts to cool down. Excessive temperature changes can also lead to rapid changes in the pressure inside the tires, increasing the risk of tire blowout.
Treatment method: Use auxiliary braking systems such as engine braking and hydraulic retarder to replace the water sprayer, and reduce the temperature of the brake drum and tires by reducing the number of brakes.
In fact, the water dispenser is an illegal modification. Although it can help us cool down the brake pads to a certain extent, there are also significant safety hazards. Everyone should pay more attention when using it.
It’s great to turn on the water shower as soon as you’re on the road and continue to cool down, instead of waiting for the temperature of the tires, wheels, etc. to rise before cooling down; In addition, try to park the vehicle for a period of time after driving for a long time to allow all parts of the vehicle to naturally cool down, and the driver can also have a good rest.

Reason 3: Overloading, tire pressure is too high or too low

In order to improve operational efficiency, many people choose overloaded transportation, which is one of the reasons for tire explosions in vehicles. Long term overloaded transportation can lead to excessive tire wear, high internal pressure in the tires, and reaching the critical point in the past can easily lead to tire explosions.
In addition, if the tire pressure is too high during inflation, it will not only affect the braking effect, but also easily cause a tire blowout once encountering high temperatures or hitting sharp objects; If the tire pressure is too low, it will also increase the friction between the tire and the ground, accelerating tire wear; In addition, the deformation of the tire wall is also relatively large, which can easily cause local high temperatures and increase the risk of tire blowout.
Handling method: The harm of overloaded transportation is not only the risk of tire blowout, but also has a negative impact on the braking effect of the entire vehicle, the service life and effectiveness of various components of the vehicle. The gains outweigh the losses. It is recommended that everyone load in accordance with regulations in daily operations.
When inflating tires, it is good to refer to the correct tire pressure provided by the manufacturer. However, due to the high temperature in summer, the tire pressure is prone to increase, and it needs to be lower than the tire pressure in autumn and winter when inflating. In addition, a tire pressure monitoring system can also be installed to understand abnormal tire pressure in real time and prevent potential problems.

Reason 4: The quality is not up to par

Poor tire quality is also a common cause of tire blowouts. Many cardholders choose some “three no” products to reduce operating costs. Being greedy for small and cheap products can easily lead to big losses, and may not have significant problems in short-term use. If used for a long time or with the aforementioned problems, it is easy to experience tire blowouts, which is not worth the loss.
In addition, if the tire has had “internal injuries” before and has been repaired due to air leakage or other reasons, if the sewing technology is not up to standard, or if it experiences long-term bumps and usage, it is also easy to cause a tire blowout.
Solution: Purchase legitimate brand products from legitimate channels and tighten them after replacing tires. Once there is damage to the tire, it is necessary to promptly go to reliable repair points for repair and treatment. It is good not to do it yourself, as incorrect repair methods also pose risks. If the tire is severely damaged, it is good not to take chances and take risks on the road. It is still advisable to replace it in a timely manner.

What to do if a tire suddenly blows out?

If there is a tire blowout on the steering shaft, it is easy to deviate or even roll over, which is quite dangerous. Do not turn the steering wheel hastily, hold the steering wheel tightly with both hands, release the accelerator pedal in a timely manner, and try to keep driving in a straight line. Wait for the car to slow down a bit before lightly applying the brakes. Avoid forcefully applying the brakes, as it may cause tailspin or rollover.
If the transmission shaft or trailer experiences a tire blowout, it is also important to hold the steering wheel tightly, control the direction of the vehicle, apply the brakes, and pull over to slow down and stop. After stopping, the double flashing lights should be turned on in a timely manner, and a warning triangle should be placed behind the vehicle. If it is on a highway, drivers and passengers should quickly withdraw from the highway and call the rescue hotline in a timely manner to prevent secondary accidents.

Post time: Sep-11-2023